The READYdebit Platinum Visa Prepaid Card could be called the ready-to-use card because it is very easy to use in places where you would normally need cash. Since it is a prepaid debit card, you don’t have to worry about going over your limit, and since it is not your typical bank card, you won’t have to worry about overdraft fees either. You can use it everywhere a Visa card is accepted, making nearly every corner of the world open to your spending. Of course, you can also use it as a cash card. That’s because it is accepted at over a million ATMs all over the world.
You can also use your Platinum READYdebit card online to purchases or to hold a hotel or vacation package reservation. Speaking of online services, set up direct deposit online and link it to your online bill pay, for an even better user experience. These online tools keep your budget and track and help you to better understand where the leaks in your budget might be. Many people who struggle with finances don’t know why, but when they finally do, they find that it is usually because of little things that they can control. Now you can control this part of your budget.
How to Save with Platinum READYdebit
If you have been handling your financial needs with check-cashing stores, money orders, and cashier’s checks, you should really consider opening a Platinum READYdebit Visa. This is because these services, while convenient, can cost you a lot of money. In fact, check cashing and payday loan services will often charge you as much as a third of the amount of your transaction! That’s money you could be saving if you only knew of a better way.
Check cashing services are not the only organizations that can charge fees. In fact, many highly-rated banks also charge fees for various services. Still, yet, other banks don’t charge fees at all. The problem with banks is that you sometimes need to be approved for an account, and they all vary, with some offering better services or rates than others. That isn’t the case with the Platinum READYdebit Visa. While some services are available for a fee, these rates are remarkably low, especially in comparison to what you might pay with other financial institutions.
Easy of Life
Make your life easier with a Platinum READYdebit Visa card. Take control of your credit score and your banking needs from the comfort of your own home without all the fees and charges. Card companies and banks profit from your financial mistakes, but you can protect yourself with a card like this. Look at their list of fees and charges on the Platinum READYdebit application page and compare them to the services you currently use. While it is true that their services are not entirely free, a majority of the benefits they provide come without a fee or handling that is markedly lower than you used to pay with those other service providers. You are probably willing to pay for operational maintenance, just like you would anything, else. It’s the gauging convenience fees that get you in the end.
If you like to travel, these cards provide more security than carrying cash. Since you can use them at any ATM and everywhere major cards are accepted they’re a big convenience too. Ultimately, this gives you the freedom to live your life on your terms, as opposed to the often expensive terms of someone else. You have the option of adding other names to the card or getting a second or third one for a spouse or responsible child. No matter what you need, you can have it without stress those other cards can give you along with them.
Other READYdebit Visa Versions
- READYdebit Visa Mint Control Prepaid Card
- READYdebit Visa Select Ocean Prepaid Card
- Latte READYdebit Prepaid Visa Card
- READYdebit Visa Select Sunset Prepaid Card