Every single credit card provider has a card for people with good credit standing. These cards allow the cardholder a lot of different perks, as opposed to regular or refinancing cards. Most people don’t even know the sheer amount of benefits that come with this card. One of the main reasons people opt for these credit cards is to maintain and develop better credit.
The benefits are crystal clear. If you’re responsible for your credit, and your credit score is there to prove it, you’re entitled to some exclusive benefits. Yet, to get approved for this prestigious card – you have to fulfill some requirements. Proving yourself is as easy as establishing a good score, which is done by always paying your debts on time. But with so many different credit card companies around, how are you supposed to know which one is going to best suit all your needs? Well, there are quite a lot of different things to consider when you’re applying for this targeted card.
Charges, bonuses, rewards, loan options, mortgage options, insurance options – these are all very important things that not all credit cards offer, at least not equally. Insider knowledge on this topic is not always easy to get. False reviews are all around the internet. In this comprehensive review, we’re going to explain everything you need to know about cards for good scores – what they are, how to get them, and what the benefits are compared to regular cards. (See Credit Report & Score)
What are Cards For Good Score Ratings?
Credit cards are an important piece of the financial infrastructure that every single adult in the world functions on. Credit cards are simply that good at what they do – this provides loan options and rate payment to cardholders. Now, some people tend to miss out on paying these loans on time. This reflects itself on their credit score, which later prohibits them from using the numerous benefits of such credit score standing. One of which is applying for and receiving a credit card for good score standing. These cards are all around the place, yet not many people seem to have them. This is because people aren’t sure of how to apply, and don’t want to get rejected.
There are a couple of preset rules and requirements you must fulfill before applying for a credit card of this caliber. As banks aren’t in the business of losing money, they need to make sure that you’re responsible enough for this credit card. After all, you can expect to gain quite a lot from it – better mortgage options, better insurance, increased loans, and sometimes even rewards and bonuses.
Cards for good score are also useful for maintaining and further developing your credit. With more rate options and increased spending limits, you’re both given more purchasing power and a chance to improve your credit standing. These cards often report to all three of the major credit bureaus, which can also damage your credit score if you’re not careful. After you’ve been approved for such a credit card, you’re not only gaining a myriad of benefits – but responsibilities as well.
RELATED: Cards Reporting Credit
Utilizing Your Good Score
Having a good score is a good thing in itself, but it can always be better. Improving your credit score up to a good standing might be a tough task in itself, and requires a strategy, even a month-by-month program. Improving your credit from good to excellent is actually quite simple. You can utilize your new credit card for a good score in this strategy. It’s actually as simple as pie.
Credit cards for repairing bad credit don’t come with many benefits – you can’t expect any when you’re trying to dig yourself out of the dirt. But if you’re the owner of a good score card, you’re not only going to see an increase in purchasing power but in bonuses, rewards, and, most importantly, opportunities. Some of these rewards are refinancing rewards and cashback from purchases. Now, cashback is usually offered by merchants and retailers, but the lender offers them as well. Combine the two and you’re getting more than your money’s worth, literally!
You can use your new card to improve your credit to the extent that you didn’t think was possible. As your credit improves, you’re far more likely to get an increase in spending power, insurance and mortgage options, bonuses, rewards, and much more! The sky’s the limit when you have the best credit around. If your credit score is impeccable, you can apply for a no-limits card – which doesn’t limit your spending power at all. This might sound like a dream come true, but be wary. When people are given an unlimited spending credit card, they tend to get a bit carried away. Always be careful in your spending, and prepare for any upcoming loan rate.
What is Considered a Good Score?
There are a couple of factors that determine your credit score. The most important of which is paying all your debts and loans off on time. Paying them on time will improve your credit score. Different banks and lenders have different approval standards. There is no general good score rule, but everything over 670 is considered excellent. The credit score scale goes from 300 to 850. The former being considered abhorrent, while the latter is deemed to be excellent.
This three-digit score will determine if you’re going to get approved for a credit card, insurance, or personal loan. Your credit score is determined by the three major credit bureaus, which most cards report to. Having a good score is integral to proper financial health and a better quality of life. Good scores have a substantial impact on numerous approval ratings and overall economic well-being. All that information can be used to get loans, mortgage approvals, and many insurance options. It also increases your chances of getting approved for more credit cards.
RELATED: Fixing Credit Score
The Pros and Cons of Cards for Good Credit
The pros of credit cards for Good scores are vast. You’re given the ability to pay your purchases over a more extended period, at minimal interest rates for starters. Your purchasing power increases exponentially, as good score cards have a higher spending limit (or none at all). This power allows you to purchase big-ticket purchases you wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford. Paying during extensive periods can damage your credit score with other credit cards. Not only do credit cards for good credit come at laughably low introductory rates, but they also come with many bonuses and rewards. While these rewards can sometimes be in cashback form, they are also given in gift cards, miles on airlines, and complimentary inclusion in events. The possibilities are endless and vary from card to card.
The only drawback that these cards come with is their sheer power. They are powerful tools, yet people don’t tend to take them as seriously as they should. When you’re given such perks and purchasing power, people tend to get a little carried away. These purchases can ruin your credit score and make a dent in your personal finance if you’re not careful. As long as you are responsible for your purchasing habits, you’re going to be okay.
The APR Aspect
APR is an annual rate you pay for borrowing money from your card provider, usually a bank. APR is presented as a percentage of your yearly spending over the term of a loan. This takes all the fees and transactions into consideration, aside from compounding. Since it’s expressed on a yearly basis, a 10% APR rating would take 1% off of each month in the year, with the combined spending, of course. So if you spent 120$ in 2019, the yearly APR would come out to 12$. When it comes to regular credit cards, APR is not always the most pleasant thing around.
The usual APR on credit cards ranges from 16%-25%, which is the industry standard. If you’re a big spender, the total yearly APR could be outrageous. Perhaps the biggest benefit when it comes to good score cards is their APR. Some don’t even have an APR for the initial period, while others come with a symbolic APR rating of a mere 1%-5%. If you’re a big spender and have just recently been given a lot of spending power, the low APR rate on a credit card for good ratings can be a real life-saver.
RELATED: Cards Reporting Credit Explained
Bottom Line
To summarize all the above, cards for good scores are right for you if you have a credit score for them. They come with a lot of different benefits which you can employ to make your life better. These cards do come with a couple of cons, but most of them can be resolved by paying all your loans off on time and using common sense. It would help if you were responsible for your credit and your spending. Being responsible with your credit is sure to grant you numerous different benefits, and set you on the road to financial bliss.