Card users could potentially benefit from discount price offers, cash back, and other freebies when they make good use of the numerous Rewards Credit Cards out there. If you aren’t already taking advantage of your Credit Card rewards program, this article serves to enlighten you on those rewards you might be missing out on. As it is you’re probably denying yourself lots and lots of savings on every purchase you make so if you’d love to cut back on those hefty bills incurred every month, here’s how.
WorldPoints® Rewards
Consumers using a World Points rewards Credit Card become eligible for a host of rewards once they’ve accumulated a certain number of points. The WorldPoints rewards program is probably the most flexible reward program available because Card Users are often allowed to choose their rewards from a collection. One of such Credit Cards offering WorldPoints rewards is the Bank of America WorldPoints Platinum Plus MasterCard. By accumulating WorldPoints with every purchase precisely 1 World Point for every $1 spent, a card user becomes eligible for a long list of rewards that include special discounts on travel, merchandise, personal concierge services, car rental, hotel, or free gift cards, and invites to special events. An eligible winner could also redeem WorldPoints for cash.
Home Purchase Rewards
Credit Cards offering home purchase rewards usually have lots to offer and most Credit Card Issuers take this factor into consideration. If you’re already wondering how soon you’ll be purchasing an apartment, wait till you need to purchase furniture and electronics, interior decoration, or perhaps pay the mortgage on your home and you will definitely fall into the category of those eligible for a home purchase reward. The great thing about home purchase rewards is that you win prizes without having to accumulate points over months. To give you an idea of what to expect, the Home Advantage World MasterCard with WorldPoints offers double points for purchases made at Lowe’s, the Home Depot, and Best Buy and single points for all other purchases. With this in mind, all you need to do is purchase a $5,000 home electronic and you should become eligible for a cash reward that could be redeemed or applied to your home mortgage.
Travel Card Rewards
People traveling on regular basis consider travel rewards as an excellent option for cutting back their travel expenses. For some who used travel reward programs to their advantage, it’s not uncommon to see them enjoy a couple flights at no extra cost. Most travel rewards are usually bundled with other rewards options like Home Purchase, Merchandise, Gas and Cash Rebates.
Merchandise Rewards
Some Credit Cards may offer discount prices when card users purchase merchandise such as home electronics, personal gadgets, furniture, clothing, and jewelry. Merchandise rewards are more general and usually come alongside WorldPoints® or other rewards programs.
Gas Rewards
Gas rewards offer discounts whenever you purchase gas from a specific dealer. With sky-rocketing gas prices forcing more Card users to taking the bus, getting a gas rewards credit card is definitely a way to slow-down your vehicle-related expenses.
Cash Rebates and Other Rewards
A good number of Credit Cards offer cash rebates that often go as high as 5% for purchases on select items. Other Credit Cards may offer Gift Cards, Dining Certificates, Sports Memorabilia, Hotel benefits, low-priced Car Rentals, and more.
When applying for a credit card, check the online application for the terms and conditions agreement. If you already have a Credit Card, the first thing to do is go through the terms and conditions agreement that came with your card. If a terms and conditions agreement can’t be found, contact the Credit Card Issuer and have them send you another copy. The terms and conditions agreement should explicitly enlighten its reader on rewards programs, the number of points needed for eligibility, and any limitations on points accumulated.
A thing to remember as concerns credit card reward programs is that most Credit Card Issuers also benefit whenever card users don’t redeem their rewards. This is why it is necessary to follow up points accumulated and make contact with your Credit Card Issuer as soon as you become eligible. Also, points accumulated could expire if unredeemed over a certain period and some Credit Cards may include limitations to the number of points a Card User can accumulate. Always check if you’re eligible for bonus points…
Final Word
A Credit Card offering great rewards may attract higher interest. Always ensure any positives outweigh the negatives.